Operations with promissory notes and security over receivables

The majority of commercial receivables are unsecured, which seems to be rather unfair as the majority of bank credits are secured by a promissory note. Should your receivable represent an exception and it is secured by a promissory note, we can simply take over this promissory note by indorsement and enforce it in a simplified way. We can also offer you securing the portfolio of receivables by promissory notes and thus support your creditor’s rights. Concerning promissory notes, we offer comprehensive consulting and services at standard as well as less usual operations with promissory notes, and this from the position of a bill creditor as well as the debtor. It is above all about bill surety, delivery and collection of promissory notes, promissory note indorsement, discount operations and protests as well as enforcement including distraint of the drawee’s assets. Further on it is possible to arrange discount of promissory notes.

In case of receivables where it is possible to increase their performance in a relevant way, we will suggest a solution and arrange its implementation. Increase in the receivable’s performance by a promissory note or pledging the property or third-party warranty is very frequent.